About Me :)

Hello Sweetie..
You are currently reading the blog of a twenty year old, who both wants and needs so many things but is yet  to figure out who she is. Im not going to bore you with endless views that I may or may not have on a subject, because I believe that each person is entitled to their own opinion, and just because I dont agree it doesnt mean you're wrong. I dont judge people, unless Im given reason to, because each person has their own war to fight and  just because they dont show it doesnt mean that they aren't hurting. So if you're going through any personal turmoil right now I wish you guidance and luck, and I just hope you come out the other end because I do honestly believe that everything happens for a reason.
Im currently a student, living and studying in Liverpool - Im studying history for those that are interested; I live with five other girls who are each lovely and make university what it is. I love coming home to these girls because they always find a way to make me smile when uni is getting me down.
Im the youngest of five, and I feel lucky to have four older brothers who look out for me; and even better I have four nephews and one niece the eldest of which is 8 years old and the youngest is turning 2 on friday. I have a range of names due to the kids, Aunty Lilabus, Lizabeth, Whizz, Ebeth to name but a few. As the kids are getting older however they are finding it easier to actually pronounce my name; although I do find it adorable when Zak calls me Aunty Lilabus.
I blog about things that have been on my mind all day, or things that I find interesting or even just for something to do. You'll find this is evident.
Im a Potterhead, Whovian and a Galaxy Defender - for those who need clarification thats Harry Potter, Doctor Who and McFly...these are my three main obsessions and Im proud of every single one.

I can deal with opiniated people, but people who set out to deliberately hurt others with their words or attempt to destroy their beliefs is wrong and Ill tell you about it because to me sometimes words can hurt..alot more than you think.

There are a few quotes that I live by at this moment in time, because I feel that although I am beginning to know who I am and what I want out of life Im still unsure about certain things.
"No matter what life throws at you be good to people; its a wonderful legacy to leave behind."
"Words can break someone into a million pieces, but they can also put them back together. I hope you use yours for good, because the only words you'll regret more than the ones left unsaid are the ones you use to intentionally hurt someone."
"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are."
"Real love still happens sometimes. Its not just something we make up when you're nine, I have to believe that..you do too."

I dont really know what life has in store for me, and this is what this blog is going to do..its going to charter all the ups and downs. I believe the best way to learn about life is to live it, and that's what life is for. Its not for sitting around and watching it pass you by its about living and loving and enjoying it; so one day when you look back you can be happy with everything that you've done. Dont you think it would be wonderful to look back someday and know that you've done everything because you could? Or because you're young enough to live with no regrets?
I know I said I wouldnt bore you with views but this is one that I think I can be forgiven for. You have to enjoy life you know? You have to be yourself regardless of what everyone else may say or think. But I think that this happens as you go through everyday, so I leave you with one last thought from One Tree Hill, 'who knows where life will take you. The road is long and in the end the journey is the destination.'