Thursday 5 January 2012

The Perks of Being a Wallflower, Stephen Chobsky

Charlie is a freshman, and while he's not the biggest geek in the school, he is by no means popular. Shy, introspective, intelligent beyond his years yet socially awkward, he is a wallflower, caught between trying to live his life and trying to run from it. Charlie is attempting to navigate his way through uncharted territory: the world of first dates and mixed tapes, family dramas and new friends; the world of sex, drugs, and The Rocky Horror Picture Show, when all one requires is that perfect song on that perfect drive to feel infinite. But Charlie cant stand on the sideline forever. Standing on the fringes of life offers a unique perspective. But there comes a time to see what it looks like from the dance floor.

A real coming of age story, charting the highs and lows of growing pains - teenage growing pains to be exact. Ive heard this phrase many times, in fact I read Billie Piper's autobiography in which she said that all the experiences bad and good were all just growing pains. I think that as you grow you look back and you realise that certain things had to happen just to bring you to where you are now, at this very moment who you are and what you are is all down to the growing pains you have experienced.
Charlie is an easily relateable character, if you were like him in high/secondary school. High school in particulary has a funny way of establishing who you are without you even realising it, these cliques that you find yourself in; look back, or if you're still there think for a second. Are you popular? Inbetween? Or a wallflower? Spending your life on the sidelines.
I think its easy for us to recall how it was, if you were a popular kid you wouldnt have been seen with a geek, that was just a cardinal sin - it didnt look right, when in fact maybe if you had you would find what you'd been looking for. You have the inbetweeners, the ones who arent cool but arent geeks either and are just perfectly happy to try and fit in with the popular crowd but they know they'll never be able to reach that peak. And then the kids noone notices, the wallflowers, the ones who do well at school because they have to..the observe but never intervene.
Through a series of letters Charlie tells us, the reader, about his life. His school experiences, he wants someone to talk to. It doesnt seem like he's ever really dealt with things properly in his life, his family dramas, his sister's abuse from her boyfriend, the fact that he blames himself for the death of his beloved Aunt Helen - the only person who ever believed in him; as a sixteen year old he's battling with all these things, as well trying desperately to find a friend.
Its clear that Charlie isnt close to his sister, but there is one moment, one which I think I will always hold as one of my favourites. Their relationship is fractured, but its not beyond repair, she turns to him when she has noone else - she cant talk to her parents, but she needs her little brother, her little brother who really does love her and just wants her happy.
"Because, I really do love you, Charlie."
"I love you, too."
"I mean it."
"So do I." - page 130
I think this is an important turning point for them, we all fight with our siblings but I also think we would fight for them because at the end of the day, blood is thicker than water.
Charlie manages to find himself friends, Sam and Patrick; theyre in their senior year and are both leaving for college in the summer but Charlie finds real, true friends in them. People who actually care and who want him around. They went on the perfect drive, the time for just the three of them.
"Sam stood up, and the wind turned her dress into ocean waves. When we hit the tunnel, all the sound got scooped up into a vacuum, and it was replaced by a song on the tape player. A beautiful song called 'Landslide'. When we got out of the tunnel, Sam screamed this really fun scream, and there it was. Downtown. Lights on buildings and everything that makes you wonder. Sam sat down and started laughing. Patrick started laughing. I started laughing.
And in that moment, I swear we were infinite.

Charlie watches his friends lives unravel too, he watches them change and either make or break them. Patrick is gay and he's been hiding it for so long, he dates the guy on the football team in secret and is sure he loves him but then things change, people change and as hard as it is, Charlie has to just help Patrick get through it..because that's what friends do.
He watches Sam date Craig, a guy who is older, and who she's in love with; Charlie doesnt like him, but he accepts that theyre together because he just wants her to be happy. And no matter how he feels, he cant do anything about her because having her in his life as a friend is better than not having her at all.
He dates someone who he doesnt really like because he cant have the girl he wants, I think every teenager does this at some point; perhaps as a remedy, an attempt to get over them, but 9 times out of 10, it doesnt tend to work.
What I did love about his friendships was a poignant moment, one where he realised what love was,
"All I cared about was the fact that Sam got really hurt and I guess I realised at that moment that I really did love her. Because there was nothing to gain, and it didnt matter." (page 193)
He knew that her happiness was worth more than being with her, and he watched her get hurt and more than anything just wanted her to be okay, I guess in the grand scheme of things that's all we want for the people we love.

"We accept the love we think we deserve." (page 37) 
 I think this line, above the rest is going to stay with me forever.

Its a fantastic novel, and Id recommend it to anyone. Chobsky manages to narrate teenage trials and tribulations without alienating the audience; he shows us the things we wouldnt notice, not if we'd never been a wallflower.. and Charlie is such an interesting character. There's no soppy 'happily ever after' ending because Charlie still has the rest of school to get through, and without his friends he wonders how he can do it. I think he does, we may never get the answer, but I think that because he learnt so much in one year then he could easily finish school and go to college.I feel rather attached to Charlie now, and I think Im going to miss him.

The Perks of Being a Wallflower is a deeply affecting coming of age story that will spirit you back to those wild and poignant rollar - coaster days known as growing up.

Tuesday 27 December 2011

My Gorgeous Babas

Hello everyone!
This is just a quick post to show you all my gorgeous little babas; my 4 nephews and 1 niece; I saw them all today and it was awesome..each of them were so happy with their presents and seemed to have a  wonderful time..theyve grown up so much and its so nice to see them all playing together so well :)
So here's just a little photo of them ...
Each of them are proper lovely, and its the only photo I have of all of them together :)
Merry Christmas!

Monday 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hello :) Just a quick note to wish everybody a wonderful christmas..Did you have a fantastic day? I sure hope you did..
I was really lucky, and my parents bought me a digital camera for Christmas; I'd had my old one since I was 15, and I had to borrow my mom's when I went to Berlin, so it was welcome :) Its a gorgeous purple Hitachi, and Ive got some lovely photo's of Christmas day!
My mom bought me a Christmas jumper, and I didnt take it off until I put my PJs on last night, it was my favourite thing and both my sister in law's told me I looked adorable; of course!
It didnt feel like Christmas when I woke up on Christmas morning, but after I saw how happy the kids were and how excited all of them got it started feeling like christmas - and speaking of the kids they got utterly spoilt this year; as they tend to do every year!
Rory has just turned two so he didnt really understand what was going on, he just ignored all his new presents and focused on all the old ones..but that kid's for you!
I bought Zak a transformer tshirt from Primark for like £6 and he wore it all day, when I got there he was wearing a transformers costume..they were both just extremely cute.
Lewis loved his wrestlers slippers that I bought him, he told me he'd be wearing them last night whilst he played on his xbox!
As I write this my dad is playing with the Rubiks cube that I bought him, he's been doing it for almost an hour and he's still confused as how to figure it out! ... A present there that'll keep him busy!
All my presents were a success this year, and I cannae wait to see my Paul, Kelly, Noah & Beau tomorrow for our second christmas day; its going to be lovely!
Wishing you all a wonderful festival period.
Duces, and Im outt.

Friday 23 December 2011

Mad Christmas Rush...

Im working extra hours this week, 7 hours each day to be exact...when Chris (manager) told me it would be busy I didnt think it would be as busy as it is...It really is mental, I mean it took me a whole shift to do one cage and a trolley..its bad I know, but seriously I was on the foreign food section and people just constantly got in the way and then looked at me like it was my fault..Im sure Im just doing my job, but whatevs.
Plus, my shift started bad, one of the cages went over my little toe and I swear to God I felt like it was broken! But Ive checked and its just a really bad bruising..its horrible, I rang my mom last night and I was almost crying, she was like 'just soak it in some warm water and that'll bring the bruising out' ...its much better this morning, so it mustve worked :)
No but seriously, why do people think the shops are shut forever? They close for like one day and then they open again..I understand you need stuff for Christmas and its a big family thing but seriously, get what you need and remember that the Spar never, ever closes..its always open on Christmas day... I mean, Im doing no more Christmas Shopping if I havent bought for people now then theyre not getting anything..I wont have time tomorrow before or after work anyway... Im doing 10 - 3 on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve! Its going to be even more mental.. I dont begrudge people doing the shift after me, its not gonna be fun.. but at least I can go home then and have family christmas!
Im starting to get excited for christmas this year, Ive bought my family some awesome presents and I cant wait for them to see; plus my Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy should come today which'll give me something to do this holiday!
Oh, Im currently reading 'James Corden, May I Have Your Attention, Please?'..its a fantastic read, and very interesting...
Happy Christmas Eve Eve, and if I dont blog before have a very merry christmas and a wonderful time!
Im outtt xxx

Thursday 15 December 2011


Hey guys, :)
Uni is finished for the first term of second year; and I for one cannot be happier.. no more early starts for at least three weeks! ME GUSTA.
Its been a strange first term, and Berlin feels like it was so long ago when it actually wasnt - but that was an amazing thing this term and Im gutted ive got nothing to look forward like that after Christmas ... bad times.
So, Im working all up to Christmas Eve, and even though I dont get to spend all of christmas week at home with my family I get to see them monday and tuesday, and then Ill be at home until uni starts again; plus Ill getting over £300 for one week, and considering I usually earn £93 a week its going to be welcomed come January - it means I get to go and see my best friend in London; which I cant wait for :')
Plus, I can actually spend money and not feel bad because its not my student loan; maybe Ill be out of my overdraft soon..haha, I think not!
Ive found out that I may not have a job come New Years Day, which is a bit gutting but at least Ill be able to get a job somewhere closer to home - hopefully anyway!
Im feeling incredibly excited to see my family, and almost all my christmas shopping is done! Just got the odd present left to get; I feel very organised this year! ... I hope you've all got your shopping sorted, Im dreading the rush on Christmas Eve in work - I cant wait to see how much chocolate and alcohol disappears off the shelves with people forgetting certain people!
I bought Becky two posters for Christmas - a Doctor Who one, and a Deathly Hallows one - she was made up; it was like being with a five year old haha! I hope she starts coming into uni more, and I really hope she can move in with us next year; it'll be pure hashtag amazeballs ;)

Thats me done for now, uni may be finished but the work continues :( Damn 2000 word assignments on West Germany...
Happy Holidays people!
Im outtt :')

Monday 5 December 2011

Young Apprentice

Im currently watching Young Apprentice with my housemate, and I cannot tell you how much I hate Zara.
She's just so up herself, and think that she was a dead set to get through to the final..and then she was acting all false with Heya because she beat her...ugh such an annoying cow.
Its ridiculous how much Young Apprentice annoys me more than The Apprentice, why are these kids at seventeen not doing what normal teenagers are doing and stressing about their A Levels? I tell you what annoys me the most about Zara, she thinks she's so clever and has a stupid toff accent, and she takes credit when the rest of them have really good ideas I mean how is that exactly fair? Why cant Lord Sugar see that? Usually I agree with everything he says, but right now I cant believe he put that silly cow through to the final..I mean really. Yes she may be clever and probably is a nice person, but come off it, stop being false and just be the real you...
Anyway, of the two that are left, James to win..I dont even know why I care so much tbh.
Im outttttt