Thursday 15 December 2011


Hey guys, :)
Uni is finished for the first term of second year; and I for one cannot be happier.. no more early starts for at least three weeks! ME GUSTA.
Its been a strange first term, and Berlin feels like it was so long ago when it actually wasnt - but that was an amazing thing this term and Im gutted ive got nothing to look forward like that after Christmas ... bad times.
So, Im working all up to Christmas Eve, and even though I dont get to spend all of christmas week at home with my family I get to see them monday and tuesday, and then Ill be at home until uni starts again; plus Ill getting over £300 for one week, and considering I usually earn £93 a week its going to be welcomed come January - it means I get to go and see my best friend in London; which I cant wait for :')
Plus, I can actually spend money and not feel bad because its not my student loan; maybe Ill be out of my overdraft soon..haha, I think not!
Ive found out that I may not have a job come New Years Day, which is a bit gutting but at least Ill be able to get a job somewhere closer to home - hopefully anyway!
Im feeling incredibly excited to see my family, and almost all my christmas shopping is done! Just got the odd present left to get; I feel very organised this year! ... I hope you've all got your shopping sorted, Im dreading the rush on Christmas Eve in work - I cant wait to see how much chocolate and alcohol disappears off the shelves with people forgetting certain people!
I bought Becky two posters for Christmas - a Doctor Who one, and a Deathly Hallows one - she was made up; it was like being with a five year old haha! I hope she starts coming into uni more, and I really hope she can move in with us next year; it'll be pure hashtag amazeballs ;)

Thats me done for now, uni may be finished but the work continues :( Damn 2000 word assignments on West Germany...
Happy Holidays people!
Im outtt :')

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