Friday 23 December 2011

Mad Christmas Rush...

Im working extra hours this week, 7 hours each day to be exact...when Chris (manager) told me it would be busy I didnt think it would be as busy as it is...It really is mental, I mean it took me a whole shift to do one cage and a trolley..its bad I know, but seriously I was on the foreign food section and people just constantly got in the way and then looked at me like it was my fault..Im sure Im just doing my job, but whatevs.
Plus, my shift started bad, one of the cages went over my little toe and I swear to God I felt like it was broken! But Ive checked and its just a really bad bruising..its horrible, I rang my mom last night and I was almost crying, she was like 'just soak it in some warm water and that'll bring the bruising out' ...its much better this morning, so it mustve worked :)
No but seriously, why do people think the shops are shut forever? They close for like one day and then they open again..I understand you need stuff for Christmas and its a big family thing but seriously, get what you need and remember that the Spar never, ever closes..its always open on Christmas day... I mean, Im doing no more Christmas Shopping if I havent bought for people now then theyre not getting anything..I wont have time tomorrow before or after work anyway... Im doing 10 - 3 on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve! Its going to be even more mental.. I dont begrudge people doing the shift after me, its not gonna be fun.. but at least I can go home then and have family christmas!
Im starting to get excited for christmas this year, Ive bought my family some awesome presents and I cant wait for them to see; plus my Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy should come today which'll give me something to do this holiday!
Oh, Im currently reading 'James Corden, May I Have Your Attention, Please?'..its a fantastic read, and very interesting...
Happy Christmas Eve Eve, and if I dont blog before have a very merry christmas and a wonderful time!
Im outtt xxx