Monday 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hello :) Just a quick note to wish everybody a wonderful christmas..Did you have a fantastic day? I sure hope you did..
I was really lucky, and my parents bought me a digital camera for Christmas; I'd had my old one since I was 15, and I had to borrow my mom's when I went to Berlin, so it was welcome :) Its a gorgeous purple Hitachi, and Ive got some lovely photo's of Christmas day!
My mom bought me a Christmas jumper, and I didnt take it off until I put my PJs on last night, it was my favourite thing and both my sister in law's told me I looked adorable; of course!
It didnt feel like Christmas when I woke up on Christmas morning, but after I saw how happy the kids were and how excited all of them got it started feeling like christmas - and speaking of the kids they got utterly spoilt this year; as they tend to do every year!
Rory has just turned two so he didnt really understand what was going on, he just ignored all his new presents and focused on all the old ones..but that kid's for you!
I bought Zak a transformer tshirt from Primark for like £6 and he wore it all day, when I got there he was wearing a transformers costume..they were both just extremely cute.
Lewis loved his wrestlers slippers that I bought him, he told me he'd be wearing them last night whilst he played on his xbox!
As I write this my dad is playing with the Rubiks cube that I bought him, he's been doing it for almost an hour and he's still confused as how to figure it out! ... A present there that'll keep him busy!
All my presents were a success this year, and I cannae wait to see my Paul, Kelly, Noah & Beau tomorrow for our second christmas day; its going to be lovely!
Wishing you all a wonderful festival period.
Duces, and Im outt.

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