Tuesday 27 December 2011

My Gorgeous Babas

Hello everyone!
This is just a quick post to show you all my gorgeous little babas; my 4 nephews and 1 niece; I saw them all today and it was awesome..each of them were so happy with their presents and seemed to have a  wonderful time..theyve grown up so much and its so nice to see them all playing together so well :)
So here's just a little photo of them ...
Each of them are proper lovely, and its the only photo I have of all of them together :)
Merry Christmas!

Monday 26 December 2011

Merry Christmas!

Hello :) Just a quick note to wish everybody a wonderful christmas..Did you have a fantastic day? I sure hope you did..
I was really lucky, and my parents bought me a digital camera for Christmas; I'd had my old one since I was 15, and I had to borrow my mom's when I went to Berlin, so it was welcome :) Its a gorgeous purple Hitachi, and Ive got some lovely photo's of Christmas day!
My mom bought me a Christmas jumper, and I didnt take it off until I put my PJs on last night, it was my favourite thing and both my sister in law's told me I looked adorable; of course!
It didnt feel like Christmas when I woke up on Christmas morning, but after I saw how happy the kids were and how excited all of them got it started feeling like christmas - and speaking of the kids they got utterly spoilt this year; as they tend to do every year!
Rory has just turned two so he didnt really understand what was going on, he just ignored all his new presents and focused on all the old ones..but that kid's for you!
I bought Zak a transformer tshirt from Primark for like £6 and he wore it all day, when I got there he was wearing a transformers costume..they were both just extremely cute.
Lewis loved his wrestlers slippers that I bought him, he told me he'd be wearing them last night whilst he played on his xbox!
As I write this my dad is playing with the Rubiks cube that I bought him, he's been doing it for almost an hour and he's still confused as how to figure it out! ... A present there that'll keep him busy!
All my presents were a success this year, and I cannae wait to see my Paul, Kelly, Noah & Beau tomorrow for our second christmas day; its going to be lovely!
Wishing you all a wonderful festival period.
Duces, and Im outt.

Friday 23 December 2011

Mad Christmas Rush...

Im working extra hours this week, 7 hours each day to be exact...when Chris (manager) told me it would be busy I didnt think it would be as busy as it is...It really is mental, I mean it took me a whole shift to do one cage and a trolley..its bad I know, but seriously I was on the foreign food section and people just constantly got in the way and then looked at me like it was my fault..Im sure Im just doing my job, but whatevs.
Plus, my shift started bad, one of the cages went over my little toe and I swear to God I felt like it was broken! But Ive checked and its just a really bad bruising..its horrible, I rang my mom last night and I was almost crying, she was like 'just soak it in some warm water and that'll bring the bruising out' ...its much better this morning, so it mustve worked :)
No but seriously, why do people think the shops are shut forever? They close for like one day and then they open again..I understand you need stuff for Christmas and its a big family thing but seriously, get what you need and remember that the Spar never, ever closes..its always open on Christmas day... I mean, Im doing no more Christmas Shopping if I havent bought for people now then theyre not getting anything..I wont have time tomorrow before or after work anyway... Im doing 10 - 3 on Christmas Eve, Christmas Eve! Its going to be even more mental.. I dont begrudge people doing the shift after me, its not gonna be fun.. but at least I can go home then and have family christmas!
Im starting to get excited for christmas this year, Ive bought my family some awesome presents and I cant wait for them to see; plus my Wreck This Journal: To Create is to Destroy should come today which'll give me something to do this holiday!
Oh, Im currently reading 'James Corden, May I Have Your Attention, Please?'..its a fantastic read, and very interesting...
Happy Christmas Eve Eve, and if I dont blog before have a very merry christmas and a wonderful time!
Im outtt xxx

Thursday 15 December 2011


Hey guys, :)
Uni is finished for the first term of second year; and I for one cannot be happier.. no more early starts for at least three weeks! ME GUSTA.
Its been a strange first term, and Berlin feels like it was so long ago when it actually wasnt - but that was an amazing thing this term and Im gutted ive got nothing to look forward like that after Christmas ... bad times.
So, Im working all up to Christmas Eve, and even though I dont get to spend all of christmas week at home with my family I get to see them monday and tuesday, and then Ill be at home until uni starts again; plus Ill getting over £300 for one week, and considering I usually earn £93 a week its going to be welcomed come January - it means I get to go and see my best friend in London; which I cant wait for :')
Plus, I can actually spend money and not feel bad because its not my student loan; maybe Ill be out of my overdraft soon..haha, I think not!
Ive found out that I may not have a job come New Years Day, which is a bit gutting but at least Ill be able to get a job somewhere closer to home - hopefully anyway!
Im feeling incredibly excited to see my family, and almost all my christmas shopping is done! Just got the odd present left to get; I feel very organised this year! ... I hope you've all got your shopping sorted, Im dreading the rush on Christmas Eve in work - I cant wait to see how much chocolate and alcohol disappears off the shelves with people forgetting certain people!
I bought Becky two posters for Christmas - a Doctor Who one, and a Deathly Hallows one - she was made up; it was like being with a five year old haha! I hope she starts coming into uni more, and I really hope she can move in with us next year; it'll be pure hashtag amazeballs ;)

Thats me done for now, uni may be finished but the work continues :( Damn 2000 word assignments on West Germany...
Happy Holidays people!
Im outtt :')

Monday 5 December 2011

Young Apprentice

Im currently watching Young Apprentice with my housemate, and I cannot tell you how much I hate Zara.
She's just so up herself, and think that she was a dead set to get through to the final..and then she was acting all false with Heya because she beat her...ugh such an annoying cow.
Its ridiculous how much Young Apprentice annoys me more than The Apprentice, why are these kids at seventeen not doing what normal teenagers are doing and stressing about their A Levels? I tell you what annoys me the most about Zara, she thinks she's so clever and has a stupid toff accent, and she takes credit when the rest of them have really good ideas I mean how is that exactly fair? Why cant Lord Sugar see that? Usually I agree with everything he says, but right now I cant believe he put that silly cow through to the final..I mean really. Yes she may be clever and probably is a nice person, but come off it, stop being false and just be the real you...
Anyway, of the two that are left, James to win..I dont even know why I care so much tbh.
Im outttttt

Sunday 4 December 2011

My First Week at Asda :)

Ive just got my first job with Asda, and after finishing my first week at 8pm this evening (well last night now) I can say that I am enjoying it but its making me miss home alot. Especially with all of the seasonal things going up in the store, there was alot of christmas music played today and I was singing along getting myself excited for christmas with the family.
It was really stressful every now and then, but most of the time it was quite relaxed because you're just left to your own devices to stock shelves. This is great for me because I use this time to sort things out in my head, I also love the odd interaction with people that you get as you walk through the store. For example, a woman asked me for Jalepeno peppers and then proceeded to tell me about an amazing wrap that she had which she wanted to recreate. My feet were killing by the end of my shift, and due to lifting heavy boxes my back was killing; and some guy walked past me and asked if I needed any help which was really sweet - I mustve looked as though I was struggling!
Its a tiring job, and I am enjoying it but as I only do 3 days a week I wonder how people do this all the time! haha.

Until the next time.
Duces, and Im outttt.

Saturday 3 December 2011

Berlin, 2011

This was the first time Id been abroad without my parents, and it was so amazing. I went for five days and saw some amazing sights, Berlin is such a beautiful city and people should go visit it because I cant describe it enough. To see the sights you have to go on a nighttime and see it all lit up. From the Bundestag (Germany's House of Commons) on the bridge to the Reichstag you can see over the city, the previous picture shows this. And from the top of the Reichstag you can see the entire of the city, in its beauty. For those who love history I would recommend going, if you ever get the option take it, you wont be disappointed; even if its alot of money, you will get your money's worth I promise.
For those who want culture, I would recommend it too, honestly, it is a beautiful, cultured city. The Cathedral on museum island is massive and going inside you would think it was Catholic but its actually Protestant.
I loved this city, and I didnt want to come back to England; Id love to return to Berlin one day.
Oh, one tip, make sure you learn at least some German! Not everyone speaks English, and its easier than just pointing at things.

One of the most beautiful sights in this world